
Hey lovely people! My name is Tamara Wendtner. Many of you already know me as Pixie Baroque, the stage name I use since 2019,  when I started to sweep over the Viennese burlesque-stages like a colourful whirlwind. This step onto the stage has changed my life forever and initiated a chain-reaction within me that has lead to the following realization: I need to put myself out there. After a half-year long, very insightful course for ongoing moderators at “TV Akademie Identity” in Vienna, this decision has solidified. Which is why, at the beginning of 2022, I found myself at the start of a new career – ready to explore the media world. Now I need to collect experience, level up my skills and pad that portfolio! This is how the Chaotic Eleganza Podcast came to life. It combines my passions with the opportunity to collect important experience. I’m looking forward to this new, exciting chapter in my life and I hope you will accompany me for part of it!

Special thanks to my big brother Ben, who always helps me out with IT-questions (and much more tbh) and my little sis Leni, who made this amazing logo! And also to my fiancée Alex, who warms my feet when I crawl into bed at 5am after working on this thing here.

Press Review:

Tamara Wendtner

Inquiries? Questions? Feedback?

Don’t be shy! I’m looking forward to your message.