Tamara's Finds

Whether podcast or performance-wise, I’m all about DIY! That doesn’t necessarily mean, though, that I can actually do everything. That is where tutorials and other ressources really help. I am very happy that there are people, who make this possible. So on this page, I want to share their work and pay my respects. And maybe some of this will help you as much as it helped me!

The best tutorials

As a person who loves to DIY, tutorials are my best friends and the people who make them are my personal heroes! To show them my thanks and so you might benefit from their content as well, I'd like to share my favourite tutorials with you.

The youtube-account “Create A Pro Website” teaches us in a very exact way, and without any unnecessary excursions, what we need to know to be able to create our own website. Especially this video has helped me a lot when I was building my site. (language: english)

This tutorial-series by “Thomas Foster Musikproduktion” explains to us how to work with the audio software Ableton Live 11. In this account’s gallery, you will also find tutorial videos for other audio softwares. (language: german)

Ressources - Fotos, Videos and Music

When you don't have a high-resolution camera or the know-how you need for photography, cutting techniques or audio-softwares, you still have the option to just get stock- fotos, videos or music. Here are some free and royalty-free options.

Other Cool stuff

Some other inspiring stuff I'd like to share with you!

Tamara Wendtner

Hi, my name is Tamara Wendtner. Many of you know me as Pixie Baroque. Since 2019, this is the stage-name I use when sweep over the Viennese Burlesque-stages like a whirlwind of colours. This step onto the stage has changed my life forever and initiated a chain reaction within me, that finally led me to the following realization: I need to put myself out there.

Inquiries? Questions? Feedback?

Don’t be shy! I’m looking forward to your message.